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Pasiaiškinimas dėl lesbietės ir Bacho
Prie pranešimo "Erotinis šokis su lazda" radau Linos komentarą:
taip ir nesupratau, kokioje galeroje lankeisi, bet del tos muzikologes (ir kodel butina buvo pakisti 'lesbiete' - tuomet reiktu ir Barthes'a, ir Foucault atitinkamai etiketemis aplipinti) - tai tu cia pats Bacha iterpei ar ji? Nes jis nelabai vykes pavyzdys siame konkteste butu, mano galva. Gal geriau Cheikovskis ar Wagneris...
Ačiū, Lina, cool pastabėlės. Esu priverstas biškį pasiteisinti:
1) dėl to, "kodėl būtina buvo pakišti 'lesbietė' ": nežinau, kodėl tu tai vadini pakišimu (tikriausiai tave taip nuteikė bendras "populistinis" mano pranešimo tonas, ir tu pamanei, kad aš šia "etikete" norėjau pridėti "pikantiškumo").
Iš tikrųjų aš turėjau galvoje muzikologę Suzanne'ą G. Cusick ir jos tekstą "On a Lesbian Relationship with Music". Ji rašo:
The choice I cherish ... is ... to let the music "do it" to me ... or not.
2) dėl Bacho. Čia tu taikliai įžvelgei mano klastą. Muzikologė Cusick kalba apie Beethoveną kaip muzikinio falocentrizmo simbolį ("... Beethoven's insistent rhytms, their possible representation of male sexual thrusting, and my "rejection" of males as 'sexual' partner..."). Kita ferministė muzikologė, Susan McClary, taip pat mini Beethoveną, dar priduria Mahlerį:
the tonality that underlies Western concert music is strongly informed by a sort of erotic imagery. The principal innovation of seventeenth century tonality is its ability to instil in the listener an intense longing for a given event: the cadence. ... After that need is established ... tonal procedures strive to postpone gratification of that need until finally delivering the payoff in what is technically called the "climax", which is quite clearly to be experienced as metaphorical ejaculation.
Toliau - dar griežčiau:
Beethoven and Mahler quite regularly push mechanisms of frustration to the limit, such that desire in their narrative frequently culminates (as though necessarily) in explosive violence. This may be one of the factors that cause this latter group [of composers] to be received as more serious, more virile, more consequential: they don't pull punches, they go all the way to the mat.
Man labai patinka ši citata: ji puikiai atskleidžia kraujo ryšį tarp "klasikos" ir "popso".
Na, o Bachas paprastai "išteisinamas" kaip labiau "polifoniškas" ir "moteriškas", artimesnis Renesanso tradicijai. Pvz., Jeremy Gilbert & Ewan Pearson rašo:
The very shape of certain musics is said to have a direct relationship to phallic eroticism ... characterised by a privileging of linearity, power and climax principle. ... This culminated in the work of Beethoven. ... "Classical" music discourse privileges theme and melody..., privileges music made by one instrument or by a number of instruments acting as one over music constituted by a plurality of melodic lines... [It is] monologic in nature. ... the privileging of the singular over the plural ... the one of the individual, of the (male) sexual organ, of the proper name. The huge orchestral symphonies of the Romantic tradition, wherein a whole orchestra is often used to play a single tune as loudly and phallocentrically powerfully as posible, might be contrasted with Renaissance music (or even the concertos of Bach)....
Bet aš asmeniškai nesutinku su tokiu Bacho išteisinimu. Sakyčiau, Bachas įkūniją švelniai pareformuotą ir decentralizuotą falocentrizmą (lazda truputį nulinkusiu galu)...